Here are five signs you should consult a neuro specialist.

Amandeep Hospital
4 min readOct 16, 2021


India has 10 million new cases of neurological disorders each year, barely behind cardiovascular disease. These include epilepsy, meningitis, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other degenerative ailments. No one is safe from any of these issues. The best way to know if something is wrong with your body is to familiarize yourself with the signs that require immediate medical attention. If you keep a watchful eye out for these 5 warning signs, you’re likely to catch a problem before it becomes

If your loved one is taking longer to complete tasks, having difficulty finding the right words to express themselves, or you just notice that somebody’s gait seems off, then you should consult a neurologist.

One estimate states that 7 to 10 million people in the United States are living with some form of neurological disorder. There are currently more than 120 different types of neurological disorders listed by the NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke).

In order to be a good caregiver, it’s important to know how to recognize these signs so you can get your love one the help they need.

Here are five signs that it may be easier for your loved one to see a neurologist:

Unusual Gait — If your loved one has been walking with an unusual gait for a while now but seems completely unaware of it, they might have a neurological disorder. They may be struggling with balance issues which cause them to lean on walls and furniture while walking.

Slurred Speech — Slurred speech is another sign that your loved one may have a neurological disorder.

Headaches that are new or worse

Headaches are common, but there is no set pattern of headaches that is healthy. Headaches can be associated with other medical conditions, such as an injury, cancer, an infection or a disorder of the brain or the nerves.

If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor to find out what’s causing your headaches and how they can be treated.

Many people with headaches don’t consult a doctor. If you do consult a doctor, here are some red flags that might indicate something more serious:

New headaches. New headaches can occur for lots of reasons, including stress. But it could also be the result of an underlying condition that needs treatment.

Worsening headaches. If your headaches are getting worse or not improving even after treatment, this might be a sign of something more serious.

Headaches along with other symptoms. Headaches sometimes occur along with other symptoms, such as weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, vision changes, confusion or trouble speaking or understanding speech. These symptoms could mean that your headache is linked to another problem in the head or neck area, such as a brain tumor or stroke.

Change in sense of smell, touch, taste

The human brain is a complex organ. It is the most essential part of our body, and its functions are so important that when something goes wrong with it, it can be life-threatening.

In general, when it comes to health, we tend to pay attention mostly when things start feeling wrong. For instance, if you feel a sharp pain in your head or chest, you know that something is off and you will consult a doctor right away. This way, you will avoid further complications. However, a lot of situations are not that easy to detect. One of them is the loss of one of the 5 senses — sense of smell, touch, taste, sight or hearing.

It seems that this is not a big deal at first sight. But many doctors confirm that all these five senses are closely related to each other and their loss can be an early sign of forthcoming troubles in your brain or other parts of your body. In order to avoid any kind of serious health problems in future, make sure you don’t ignore these signs:

Change in sense of smell

Sometimes it happens that some people lose their sense of smell for some time or even permanently. One may think that this is not such a big issue because we hardly use our sense of smell while eating


The brain is an organ that guides all the processes in the body. Often, due to various reasons, it can begin to malfunction and lead to various diseases and disorders. It becomes necessary to consult a neuro specialist in order to determine what exactly is happening with your nervous system and how to treat it.



Amandeep Hospital
Amandeep Hospital

Written by Amandeep Hospital

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