Oncologists in India | Cancer Hospital in India
Breast Cancer What are Its Symptoms and Treatment
Cancer is a major health concern these days that is caused due to different changes also known as mutations, occur in the genes that manage the growth of the cells. It is this mutation that leads to innumerable division and multiplication of the cells. Breast cancer is considered to be the most common type of invasive cancer among women and also is the second leading reason after lung cancer for cancer deaths in women.
This cancer develops in the breast cells. Particularly, the cancer shapes in either the lobules or the ducts of a woman’s breast. Lobules, is a term referred to as the glands that are responsible for producing milk and ducts are the pathways that carry the milk from the glands to the nipple.
It is the fatty tissue or the fibrous connective tissues present within the breast, where the cancer is formed. Considering the fact, lack of awareness among women about breast cancer has pushed us at Amandeep Hospital, the best cancer hospital in India to lay down this post.
We believe that awareness of the symptoms and the need for diagnosis are quintessential to minimize the risk. Besides the symptoms, this blog also focuses on the treatment of breast cancer provided by the team of best oncologists in India at the hospital. Let’s learn more about breast cancer.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
As a fact, in the initial stages, one does not witness any noticeable symptoms. However, in most of the cases, a tumour is too feeble to be felt, but the irregularity can still be spotted on a mammogram.
Perhaps, the first indication is generally a lump in the breast was not present there before. But you should also be aware of the fact, that not all the lumps are cancer. Since breast cancer is of various types, every type exhibits different symptoms. Although a lot of symptoms are identical, few are distinct. At the same time, the doctors at the best cancer hospital in India, Amandeep Hospital enlist the most common symptoms of breast cancer. These are as follows:
- A lump or tissue in the breast that feels dissimilar to other surrounding tissues and has cropped up lately
- Pain in the breast
- The skin of the breast turns red and pitted
- Swelling in the complete or part of the breast
- Discharge from the nipple, apart from breast milk
- Blood discharging from the nipple
- Nipple or Breast’s skin starts peeling, scaling or flaking
- An abrupt transformation in the shape and size of the breast
- Overturned nipple
- Alterations in the appearance of the breast’s skin
- A lump or swelling beneath the arm
If you encounter any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it does not necessarily imply that you are suffering from breast cancer. For example, if you feel any pain in your breast or a lump in the breast, it can also be due to a benign cyst. However, if you still feel any such lump in your breast or observe any of the symptoms, you should immediately consult the best cancer specialists in India at our hospital for further examination and testing.
Consult for Best Treatment for Breast Cancer at Amandeep Hospital
The team of best cancer doctors in India at our hospital recommend treatments to the breast cancer patients depending upon the type of cancer and also its degree of expansion in the breast or other body parts.
A lot of people suffering from breast cancer are prescribed multiple treatments as seen in the cases referred to as the best cancer hospital in India. However, the treatment for breast cancer generally intends to attack cancer at its particular location, or target the cancer cells spread throughout the patient’s body.
Probing further, the local treatments consist of surgeries and radiations that aim to eliminate or destroy the cancer present in the breast without impacting the rest of the body.
The surgery might include a lumpectomy- a surgery that preserves the breast and discards the tumour and its surrounding tissues. Or it might also incorporate an aggressive mastectomy, where the entire breast is removed and is normally done in majorly severe cases, as professed by the best cancer doctors in India.
Furthermore, systematic treatments are also referred to as patients, in case the entire body is affected. It is given by mouth or via the bloodstream, targeting the cancer cells present throughout the body.
These treatments include chemotherapy. This is a type of treatment where toxic drugs such as cyclophosphamide (at times referred to by its brand name i.e. Cytoxan) or methotrexate. Moreover, the cancers powered by the hormones estrogen or progesterone can be addressed with hormone suppressors, like tamoxifen or raloxifene (Evista).
With the advancement of technologies in the medical industry, Amandeep Hospital keeps itself abreast of all the latest introductions in the medical field.
However, as the best cancer hospital in India, we have also introduced systematic treatments for cancer such as biological therapy, where the immune system is put to use to battle against cancer and aims for the breast cancer cells that consist of high protein levels. The most commonly used biologics are bevacizumab (Avastin) or trastuzumab (Herceptin).
A patient with breast cancer when walk-in at Amandeep Hospital, is assured the best medical assistance by the team of best oncologists in India.
Originally published at https://amandeephospital.org.